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PVD Coating on Watches: What Is It and How Does It Work?

While scrolling through watch websites, have you ever come across a Black Submariner or a Daytona? If yes, then I am sure you have been wondering how did they make these Stainless Steel watches turn black. Are they fakes or original watches? Well, the answer to all of your questions here is PVD coating. Physical Vapor Deposition coating is something that has been coming extremely popular in the watch industry. It allows watch enthusiasts to help their watches stand out.

Posted By Devesh Arora on July 26, 2024

pvd coating watches

What is PVD Coating?

PVD or Physical Vapor Deposition is a special technique used to apply a thin, yet very durable layer of material onto a metal surface. In the world of wristwatches, this material is used to coat the case, bracelet, and some of the other components to give it a different color or finish. While the coating is known to be used to turn steel watches black, some brands even use this coating to give the watch rose gold or a two-tone look while still using stainless steel as the base material. The process of PVD involves vaporizing a material in a vacuum chamber and then depositing it onto the metal, creating a strong molecular bond.

While the chemistry behind this might sound a bit too much, in simple terms what it does is apply another layer of coating on your watch, which is not just durable but also gives your timepiece a refreshing look.

PVD Coating on Watches: Is it safe to do?

PVD Coating is something that many people might offer as a service but only a few know how it’s done properly. It is just like getting a wrap for your car. While there are many companies that do it, some car wraps can cause peeling issues just a few days after they are applied. Similarly, when getting a PVD coating on your watch, you need to make sure the watch is being handled by professionals.

Just like everything else in this world, PVD Coating also has its own set of pros and cons. Here’s a table explaining the same.

1. Makes the watch more durable1. When exposed to direct sunlight, the color might start fading
2. Improves the scratch resistance of the watch2. The coating peels off if you hit your watch somewhere
3. Gives you that extra level of customization3. Not suitable for gold watches

Should you get PVD Coating on your watch?

PVD coating has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. So, at the end of the day, it comes to personal preference. If you like your watch to stand out from the rest of the ones out there, you can always go ahead and get PVD coating done. This is also beneficial for someone who likes to wear stealth watches. With black PVD coating, the watch can actually look a lot more stealth, and in places like London where watch theft is common, you can get away since people will not be able to tell if its a Rolex or some other timepiece.

Want to get PVD coating on your watch?

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Written By

Devesh Arora

Devesh is a watch enthusiast who has always had a knack to learn more about how things work from the inside. This made him join ChronoStreet to be up close to watch movements and learn more about them as he goes. He wants to take everyone along in this journey and hence he shares his knowledge via blog posts here simplifying the complexities of watchmaking for his readers.

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